Wed, Mar

Retaliation: VA Police Target Veterans


LOS ANGELES – Recently, I was interviewed by John Ismay, an Iraqi War Veteran who is the “Veterans and Military Issues Reporter” for Southern California Public Radio.  

We met at the Los Angeles VA to discuss the never-ending misappropriation of land at this largest VA in the nation, within our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans. 

We were standing in front of an illegal sign attached to an illegal fence that was shielding the illegal construction of an illegal public amphitheater that was illegally manipullated by a wealthy and powerful homeowner group operating under the ruse of Veterans Park Conservancy. 

This illegal construction was blocked by a Federal Court order. 

The construction site and desecrated land surrounded it was once walked on by Veterans from the Civil War and it remains a terrible eyesore and insult to all Veterans, particularly over Memorial Day weekend. 

Nevertheless, while Mr. Ismay was interviewing me about all of this illegal activity, three VA police officers were sent to intervene our discussion and directed us to terminate our interview.   

As always, we peacefully complied even though it was obvious we were being singled out and retaliated against for simply discussing the Truth about the ongoing misappropriation of Veterans land being abused and misused for the sole benefit of non-Veteran entities.  

Make no mistake, Veterans are worse off today than before a Federal Judgment was entered on August 29, 2013, adjudicating nine illegal real estate deals as being “unauthorized by law and therefore void.” 

That’s because on January 29, 2015, VA Secretary Robert McDonald, a co-defendant in the ACLU lawsuit and Federal Judgment, hoodwinked the Plaintiff’s attorneys and Veteran representatives to agree to vacate the Judgment and lawsuit with the promise that the VA would execute an “exit strategy” to force the unauthorized occupants from VA property. 

Today, that’s impossible because Veterans have no legal standing since there is no Judgment in place to enforce the “exit strategy,” thanks to a fast-talking, fast-moving and wheeling-and-dealing VA Secretary.  

From the get-go, the Old Veterans Guard was adamantly opposed to the behind-closed-doors “settlement agreement” and called it a “Trojan Horse,” and that’s exactly what it is. 

Instead of evicting the illegal occupants as promised, more and more are showing up, and more and more homeless Veterans are being deprived of housing and care on their rightful and legally deeded property that was promised in 1888 to be permanently maintained as a National Home in their behalf.  

Now, VA Secretary McDonald has released his Memorial Day message, proclaiming:  << Many have heard the saying, "Poor is the Nation that has no heroes, but beggared is the Nation that has and forgets them." >>   

The Secretary goes on to mislead Veterans just as he did when he vacated the Federal Judgment and ACLU lawsuit.   

That’s because he has forgotten our war-injured and homeless Veterans and their sacred land in order that history would conveniently forget that he was a

Defendant in the lawsuit and Judgment that involves the biggest land-fraud scandal in American history at the expense of tens of thousands of disabled, homeless and hungry Veterans.  

The Secretary also declares: “We owe them all our deepest gratitude.” 

Really?  Then why did he vacate the Federal Judgment and why is Los Angeles still our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans, and why are those “unauthorized by law” still on Veterans land -- all under his watch? 

And where’s the gratitude when two Veterans report the Truth about this never-ending misappropriation of Veterans land and the never-ending neglect of tens of thousands of homeless Veterans?  

In VA terminology, gratitude is retaliation. 

Attached is Formal Complaint filed against VA Police Captain Kathy Treadwell for retaliating against two Veterans who were simply telling the Truth. 

It’s time for every Veteran to stand up and speak the Truth on behalf of our homeless Veterans!


 (Robert Rosebrock is Director of The Veterans Revolution, Captain of the Old Veterans Guard, and Director of We the Veterans … and a contributor to CityWatch)





Vol 13 Issue 43

Pub: May 26, 2015



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