Fri, Feb

Have the Democrats Found Their Lost Backbone in Elizabeth Warren?


JUST SAYIN’-There can only be one reason why scores of weak-kneed, embarrassingly cowardly Democrats can justify their votes to pass the recent National Budget, and that is that a behind-the-scenes, secret deal had been made.  I’m thinking that perhaps enough Republicans agreed not to try for the 60th time to overturn the ACA during the new Congress but would attempt to work out an acceptable plan on immigration in exchange for Democrats’ accepting some of the draconian measures that the Opposition cherished.  I hope I am right; otherwise, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” 

This past weekend, few people stood up for the principles for which they were elected but, refreshingly, Senator Elizabeth Warren did! (Photo)  Her aim was not just to preach to the choir but to change minds to support the righteousness of the fight she and others were about to take on—a vote that would affect the rest of us not only in the immediate future but for years to come.  She declared unequivocally that every vote taken at any time should reveal the truth, promote transparency, and fight the good fight for economic and social justice.  Thus, the vote on this measure should do no less!  Unfortunately, few who are currently in Washington can claim the consistent rectitude that she possesses.  

She was able to rally the troops in the Senate as Nancy Pelosi did in the House.  Though the opposition votes that they were able to muster did not prevail during the ultimate roll call, I think their efforts gave us grist for the mill.  Their speeches did reveal many of the lies and distortions that those on the Right had tried to foist upon us.  As Warren said on Monday (as she echoed Ted Kennedy’s words), the struggle is not over. 

Warren was adamant in her appeal to the better angels of her colleagues that what Citigroup was allowed to do was completely indefensible!  In apostrophe, she addressed the leaders at Citi who have “advanced” the idea that Wall Street needs reform (while at the same time having been allowed literally to write that portion of the bill which would directly and favorably impact the banking industry).  She blasted the conglomerate in this way:  “I agree with you.  Dodd-Frank [the bill passed in 2010 to monitor the performance of companies deemed “too big to fail” to prevent another widespread economic collapse such as the kind we witnessed in 2008] isn’t perfect.  It should have broken you into pieces! 

In no uncertain terms, she made clear that passage of this Budget bill as it is written would make taxpayers responsible for saving the banks that might (once again) indulge in risky behavior in the future.  The bail-outs from six years ago kept us from going off the proverbial cliff then, but at the same time rewarded bad practices with only a time-out for the executives who were guilty of egregious entrepreneurial behavior--“no soup for you” which meant no jail-time! No real punishment for the very people who had made a personal financial killing while they killed the savings and pensions of everyday innocent victims! 

This Omnibus Bill punishes too many unsuspecting taxpayers.  Here are just a few more ways: 

  • Campaign Finance Changes (not Reform):  It would raise the ceiling that individuals can contribute to a mere ten times more than the limit had been--from about $32,400 to $324,000.  Has anyone ever claimed that elections cannot be bought?! 
  • EPA:  The bill would prevent the implementation and enforcement of certain significant laws meant to assure the quality of water in farm ponds and irrigation ditches, leading to the undeniable conclusion that once again the wants and needs of Big Agra supersede those of the customers who consume their food stuffs. 

Furthermore, the EPA will have to reduce staffing to 1989 levels—just at a time when cleaning up the environment has become so critical. 

Included is a prohibition to implementing the requirement that the newer class of        energy-efficient light bulbs be utilized for new sales and installations. 

  • Pensions:  “The benefits of current retirees (about 10,000,000) could be severely cut!”  What a draconian and merciless measure for all those who have been counting on (and were literally promised) set payments in their retirement years.  How can they plan after the fact, after they have retired and come to depend on those payments?  Too late to make new and different considerations?  What will happen to the allure of retirement security in jobs that pay less but offer a stability that many higher-paid jobs do not provide? 

Apparently, Congress saw fit to accommodate the entreaties by the negotiators of some         1400 multi-employer plans which seem to be in danger in the near future of         insolvency/bankruptcy (sounds a little like the recent efforts in Detroit to rob its    pensioners of their rightful retirement salaries).  There have got to be better ways to   ameliorate these problems than imposing such unfair policies on the millions who have   worked so diligently and often selflessly to build these companies and, hence, create one      of the most envied countries in the world. 

  • The WIC Program (Women-Infants-Children):  It can expect a $93 million cut on top of which less-healthy foods will be allowed on the list of “acceptable” groceries—the antithesis of what the Michelle Obama Health Movement is all about!  The school breakfast and lunch program was targeted by permitting in the near future more killer sodium and less whole grains in the children’s meals. 
  • Education:  There will be major cuts in Education funding which would hurt some of the Federal Government’s premier programs.  Odd, but have we reached the top rung of academic excellence in the world already?! 
  • Trucking:  This bill would block enforcing the Transportation Department’s regulations requiring that truck drivers get two nights’ sleep before starting a new work week.  Anyone out there eager to share the road when a teamster falls asleep at the wheel?! 
  • We can at least briefly rejoice that, as it is written now, the ACA and the President’s Immigration policies will not be defunded.  Who knows for sure what the new Congress will attempt to do to weaken or even overturn these measures.  Let’s hold our breath that the 2015 Congress will see these as moral issues and vote accordingly. 

Incidentally, in this and other legislation, Congress saw fit to allocate $5 billion for unneeded defense appropriations but would not provide suicide prevention aid to our PTSD war veterans--and this from a conservative wing which consistently touts how patriotic its members are (because of their undying support of veterans and veterans’ affairs), a line utilized to pander to voters in an attempt to garner their support.  What hypocrites! 


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When all is said and done, what do we have to do to get our lawmakers to answer to us instead of to the moneyed lobbyists and the companies those lobbyists represent?  Does it take a “profile in courage” about which JFK wrote, well before he became President?  When will our representatives worry less about their re-elections and funding their campaigns and more about meaningfully holding office—even for only one term, if necessary—in order to work with others of like mind to make life better for those who have put them into office in the first place?!  

Bottom line, Democrats and Republicans, let’s stand up and be counted for the common good! 

Just sayin’.


(Rosemary Jenkins is a Democratic activist and chair of the Northeast Valley Green Alliance. Jenkins has written A Quick-and=Easy Reference to Correct Grammar and Composition, Leticia in Her Wedding Dress and Other Poems, and Vignettes for Understanding Literary and Related Concepts.  She also writes for CityWatch.  This piece is part of an ongoing CityWatch series … Who Are The Real Angelinos … exploring the myriad peoples and cultures that define Los Angeles.)







Vol 12 Issue 102

Pub: Dec 19, 2014

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