Tue, Mar

Grateful in LA … Times 20


MY TURN-Most people say that their favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Aside from too much food and football, there are no gifts to buy - and though putting up with “crazy Uncle Louis” can be trying, it is mostly a stress-free, fun holiday. 

Regardless of political party and religious beliefs, a majority of families have some kind of thoughtful discussion on things for which to be thankful. My family still does it. 

Since I wanted to make this article “Denyse Lite,” I decided to share my top 20 list of things I am thankful for in 2014. They are listed in no particular order of importance. 

1)      I am thankful to be living in Los Angeles, and not Buffalo. 

2)      I am thankful the recent Santa Ana’s brought sparking blue skies and no fires. 

3)      I am thankful to be alive, healthy and able to watch my family grow. 

4)      I am thankful that Los Angeles elected people who love their jobs, and though all are youngish, they are not obviously using their new positions to get their next office. 

5)      I am thankful the 405 did not become the “Boston Dig”. 

6)      I am thankful that Los Angeles offers so many low cost and free recreational outlets that all can participate. 

7)      I am thankful we no longer cringe when the “Clippers” are mentioned. 

8)      I am thankful that UCLA may have a shot at the Rose Bowl. 

9)      I am thankful to have a respite from political ads. 

10)    I am thankful President Obama did something about our broken immigration policy. 

11)    I am thankful for Trader Joe’s - my caterer of choice! 

12)    I am thankful that there are so many people volunteering to make this an even better city. 

13)    I am thankful for the Neighborhood Council System, in spite of its shortcomings. 

14)    I am thankful we have some of the best hospitals and doctors in the country. 

15)    I am thankful that this is still the City of Innovation. 

16)    I am thankful that many of you take time to read my articles. 

17)    I am thankful to those that voice other opinions that may not agree with my own. 

18)    I am thankful to the large group of outstanding CityWatch writers who present every opinion from left to right, and in-between. 

19)     I am thankful that Publisher Ken Draper is so passionate about this city that he has made CityWatch LA the must read place for LA’s doers. 

20)    I am thankful for a wonderful family, children, grandchildren … friends and colleagues who allow me to be part of their lives. 

Yes, I know some of you will say, “Give me a break the list of things that are wrong with Los Angeles (or the world) would take up pages.”  It is very easy to criticize. There are myriad things that need to be changed, improved or eliminated. 



As always comments are welcome.


(Denyse Selesnick is a featured CityWatch columnist.  She is a former Publisher/journalist/international event organizer. Denyse can be reached at: Denyse@CityWatchLA.com)  






Vol 12 Issue 96

Pub: Nov 28, 2014

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