Sat, Feb

Race for the 64th Heating Up … Wunderkind Walker Scoring Endorsements


SOULVINE UNCHAINED-The Press Weighs In. The race for the 64th Assembly District has suddenly become hot as two important newspapers have endorsed wunderkind Prophet Walker (photo with President Obama and Scott Budnick on his right) over veteran politician Mike Gipson and a third influential publication has taken an editorial position clearly in favor of Walker.  

Last week Walker was endorsed by the South Bay Daily Breeze and the Long Beach Press Telegram, and the Sacramento Bee published an editorial that gives voters a whole lot of food for thought.  

In an editorial headlined: “A cynical campaign to knock off an upstart in South Central Los Angeles,” the Sacramento Bee tells us who’s trying to “knock off” Walker and why. I must share it with you. 

According to the Bee, the “Alliance for California’s Tomorrow” --- a group of ordinarily fine, upstanding Bible-thumping people --- is out to destroy the candidacy of 26-year-old Walker, a South Los Angeles native and newcomer to the nasty world of politicians. Members of the Alliance for California’s Tomorrow include doctors, nurses, firefighters, oil companies, insurance conglomerates, payday lenders, casino owners and the reputed world’s largest cigarette company, Philip Morris U.S.A. 

We discussed, in the Oct. 9 Soulvine column, Walker’s upbringing, incarceration, redemption, accomplishments and the extensive work he is doing for the benefit of the people --- especially young people --- despite his present youthfulness and the trouble he got into when he was 16 years old. The Bee asserts nevertheless, that “Walker is not the sort of guy the Alliance would want to hold a California office --- not tomorrow, not any other day.” 

The newspaper wrote: “The Alliance for California’s Tomorrow sent one mailer to 64th District voters that quoted the Book of Matthew: “Beware of the false PROPHETS, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” 

Then in another mailer, the Alliance quoted Mahatma Gandhi: “Action expresses priorities. First priority. Funding his campaign. Second priority. Living in luxury. Last priority. Paying his child support.”   

The Alliance is smearing and lying on Walker. He lives in an apartment in the 64th District; he did not/could not pay child support during those five years, three months and 23 days he spent in prison, but since his release, he works at an important job, has paid his back child support and shares custody of his daughter. I would suggest that the sanctified members of the Alliance for California’s Tomorrow quote from Psalms 59 about the workers of iniquity, of which they are perfect examples. 

The Sacramento Bee writes: “Democratic politicians ought to embrace Walker. His story is one of redemption. But he had the audacity to challenge the South Los Angeles power structure. Politics is a brutal business, and the people involved in it are jaded. But the campaign against Walker is remarkably cynical.” We know that better than the Bee’s editorial editor because we have just gone through the most self-interest motivated and contemptuous political campaign we’ve ever known and it looks like we’re headed for another one. 

Walker is seeking the seat currently held by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, who is expected to ascend to the seat in the Senate vacated by the wonderful Rod Wright. And Hall is looking to pass his Assembly seat to his buddy, Carson City Councilman Mike Gipson, whom the California Democratic Party has endorsed, along with most of the other people looking for a little sop-um, sop-um. The Bee reminds us that we can tell plenty about candidates by the donors who fund them. Gipson gets his money from oil companies and, as a former union official, he also gets labor money, as well as financial backing from payday lenders, alcohol companies and casino owners.  

Gipson is also backed by a group that the Sacramento Bee calls “wide-eyed radicals” who named themselves “Keeping Californians Working” and they are composed of insurance companies, realtors, apartment owners, dentists and Chevron. “They clearly want to shake up Sacramento, which is why they spent $175,166 for mailers to help Gipson,” the Sacramento Bee wrote. 

Nevertheless, Walker has attracted the attention of the Hollywood crowd due to his association with producer Scott Budnick, whom he met when he was in prison.Budnick helped Walker lineup an experienced campaign manager, Roy Behr, and has raised money for him. 

Walker’s contributors include producers Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Norman Lear, and actors Kate Capshaw and Matt Damon. The California Correctional Peace Officers Assn., which represents prison officers --- the very men who guarded him when he was in prison --- has given Walker money for his campaign, and the SEIU broke with most other unions and is heavily backing Walker.  

During his interview with the Bee’s staff, Walker told them: “We (in South L.A.) are in poverty, and it remains that way for a reason. I’m sick about it, and I want to fight it. I’m not naive enough to say I’m going to take over Sacramento. But I’m not afraid to do what is right.” 

The Bee’s editorial staff responded: “First, he must defeat the political machine that knows how to elect its friends, with the help of Chevron, payday lenders, casinos, Philip Morris, realtors, insurance companies, the teachers’ union and the California Nurses Assn.”  But that’s OK because we know that they all care deeply about South Los Angeles. Why else would they be spending all that money for one of our candidates? (I wonder if the Sacramento Bee has any staff openings. I love this newspaper!)


AWARDS SEASON --- Last week the Rev. K.W. Tulloss, California director of the National Action Network, hosted a combination community award event and 60th birthday celebration for NAN founder, the Rev. Al Sharpton, (photo left) who was in attendance. I was particularly pleased that NAN honored Najee Ali and Carolyn and Dallas Fowler (mother and daughter, respectively) for the fine, tireless and continuous work they do on behalf of the people.  

Also last week, Compton-based NAEJA held its “Year of the Woman” 14th annual banquet and awards ceremony dinner at the Proud Bird Restaurant, at which it presented community service awards to activist Mollie Bell and to me. Then Carson Mayor Jim Dear stepped forward and presented me a certificate of recognition from the Carson City Council and made a moving speech that almost made the Soulvine cry! Mollie (who certainly deserved hers) and I are greatly appreciative of our honors and we thank the people for giving them to us.


Check this out: At a Democratic Party dinner last week, Rep. Janice Hahn was called to the podium and was introduced as Congresswoman Hahn. Then somebody yelled out, “You mean Supervisor Hahn!” To which Hahn replied: “Hum, Supervisor Hahn. That has a nice ring to it!”  You know what else has a nice ring to it? Supervisor Holly Mitchell.


WHERE TO GET THE COMPTON HERALD IN LA: Broadway Federal Bank, Figueroa/King Blvd. branch; Founders Bank, Crenshaw/Stocker and Crenshaw/Rodeo branches; One United Bank, Crenshaw Blvd.; Roscoe’s House of Chicken ‘n’ Waffles, Pico Blvd.; Eso Won Bookstore, Leimert Park; Simply Wholesome Restaurant. My new executive editor, Jarrette Fellows, said the newspapers go fast and if you drag your feet getting there on Mondays they may be gone. He’s getting more places, though. (Isn’t this exciting?!)


(Betty Pleasant, a longtime LA observer, columnist and urban voice, writes Soulvine and is a contributor to CityWatch.)






Vol 12 Issue 86

Pub: Oct 24, 2014


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