Sat, Mar

Sick and Injured Animals Still Dumped at Closed 11th Street Shelter


VOICES-Despite our pleas to let the community know that the old SLA animal shelter on 11th Street is closed, the city has done nothing to prevent the tragedy of animal abandonment there. 

I just received this email below regarding  a litter of kittens abandoned there this morning as well as a dog so sick, he couldn't even whimper when saved. 

Tragic, inefficient and completely preventable.



---------- Forwarded message --- -------
Date: Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:48 PM
Subject: animal dumps at South 11th st
To: "The STAND Foundation, Inc." <[email protected]>

Dan, I was at the facility this AM because I needed to p/u some paperwork from ARK clinic on next block.  Cruised past bldg..... there it was!!!!! THE BOX by the door......I went to ARK, then I came back hoping the box would be gone. Nope.  It was low and flat...a litter of kittens I thought..looked inside... was a severely injured dog, maybe 25 lbs.....beagle type...puncture wounds/ blood  everywhere.  I was just barely able to lift box...drove the poor animal to the new facility......he wasn't even whimpering....

I know that LAAS does not own the bldg, the City does.  I wonder if anyone is keeping count of how many animals/week are abandoned there. While the guy working 2 min wage jobs, no car, got a ride to 11 th st is not likely to go off on a search of new shelter location, hopefully some people would.

I'd like to rent a tall ladder, climb up w a bucket of paint and cover that shelter mural!!!!  It is a crime to leave the property as it is...The bldg should be draped w banners that say "closed", "not a shelter", and a map to the new location...

Just wanted to let you know...



(Daniel Guss, MBA, is a writer who lives in Sherman Oaks.)




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Vol 12 Issue 78

Pub: Sep 26, 2014



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