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Drought Buster: ‘Let's Pool Together’ Campaign


Our friends at the California Pool and Spa Association are launching a campaign, “Let’s Pool Together," to educate pool and spa owners, and industry professionals, about ways to maximize water efficiency this summer. 

“Many people assume pools and spas waste water, but that’s just not true,” said Mike Geremia, CPSA chairman and owner of Geremia Pools. “Because pools and spas often replace traditional lawns, which are very water intensive, every pool and spa actually saves thousands of gallons of water per year. Yet even with those water savings, we know there are steps pool and spa owners can take this summer to potentially save even more. That’s why we’re launching the Let’s Pool Together campaign—to ensure that pool and spa owners do their part during the drought.”  

The campaign includes marketing materials for the pool service industry to communicate with homeowners and other customers, a website, along with social media and paid media components to ensure pool owners all over California learn how to conserve even more water this summer. 

"Let's Pool Together" is also designed to educate local water officials about how pools and spas actually save water, and imposing restrictions on building or refurbishing pools or spas will have an adverse effect on the economy without saving the region any water. 

“A pool cover can reduce water loss to evaporation by 95 percent,” said Peter Brostrom, chief of the California Department of Water Resources’ water use efficiency section.  “Checking for and fixing leaks is also critical to reduce water loss.” 

Our partnership with the California Pool and Spa Association will help ensure pool and spa owners are getting all the facts to save water both inside and outside their homes, and will continue to be an ongoing part of the drought solution. 

For more information, visit the campaign website LetsPoolTogether.com


(This report was posted first at SaveOurH2O.org.) 






Pub: Sep 24, 2014


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