Sat, Feb

MetroRail is Coming to LAX and the Westside … Time to Focus on Station Design


GETTING THERE FROM HERE-After talking, listening, debating and arguing about how best to get the expanding MetroRail system to LAX, the Westside and South Bay, we're now budgeted and en route to building a north-south light rail line to connect the east-west Crenshaw and Green Lines, as well as a tentative LAX People Mover connection to the airport central terminals.  And with the Mid-City heartily weighing in on theirown segment of the light rail line, it's time for the Westside, LAX and South Bay to weigh in as well. 

This Thursday night, on September 18th between 7:15 - 9:00 pm, in the second floor auditorium (Room 200) the West LA Muncipal Building (near the intersection of Santa Monica Blvd. and Corinth Ave.), the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee (co-chaired by yours truly and fellow CityWatch contributor Matthew Hetz) will offer Westchester, Westside and other residents the opportunity to weigh in on the future local stations to benefit their communities. 

Metro representative JC Lacey will provide a station-by-station update and overview of the future Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line, and will provide maps, discuss grade separations, connectivity of the line with bus routes, address native tree or other plantings, station-adjacent developments and any unresolved or ongoing issues. 

A station that is often underaddressed is the future station in the southeast corner of Westchester at Hindry Avenue, and which is meant to provide a portal for Westchester and much of the Westside (including adjacent Inglewood and any I-405 commuters) access to the light rail line and the greater Metro Rail system.  The upside potential of this station with respect to local redevelopment is great, but there is deserved fear of local overdevelopement or inappropriate development. 

Hence the following motion to be discussed: 

MOTION—Planning and Zoning Efforts for Transit-Oriented Region Along Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line between Manchester Blvd. and Los Angeles/Inglewood City Border

The CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee favors a joint task force between the Westchester-Playa Del Rey NC, local Westchester homeowner and neighborhood associations, and the CD11 office to arrive at a specific transit-oriented tract plan that encourages sufficient commercial revitalization, parking and transportation improvements, adjacent residential-zoned neighborhood preservation, open space, park development and infrastructure improvements to the area surrounding the future Hindry Ave. Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Station, between Manchester/Aviation and the Inglewood/Los Angeles city border. 

Concerns have also been rightfully raised as to the Century/Aviation station which is already in its earliest phases of construction, because pedestrian access is only being provided from the north.  This will be a major station for Century Blvd. and LAX-adjacent workers and commuters on both sides of the L.A./Inglewood border, and a comprehensive pedestrian access plan must be included in the final designing and building of the station. 

Hence the following motion to be discussed: 

MOTION—Pedestrian Access on the South Side of Century Blvd. for the Metro Century/Aviation Station 

Whereas, hundreds of daily employees work in the cargo facilities located on the south side of Century Boulevard, and 

Whereas, pedestrian access into and out of the future Metro Century/Aviation station will occur from both the north and south sides of Century Boulevard, and 

Whereas, the current plans for the station only provide pedestrian access from the north side of Century Boulevard, forcing many pedestrians coming from the south to cross this very busy intersection at Century/Aviation, 

Therefore, the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee favors both northern and southern entrances for the future Metro Century/Aviation station, and any associated pedestrian ramps, elevators, escalators, bridges or other amenities to/from this station, in order to: 

1) Enhance pedestrian access to this vital station, and 

2) Dramatically improve the pedestrian activity along Century Boulevard and prevent unnecessary traffic from large numbers of pedestrians crossing Century Boulevard during peak travel times. 

And it's no secret that the Century/Aviation station (and to a lesser degree, the newly-announced 96th/Aviation station) will be commercial and tourist gateways that should not be lost on any commuter or tourist. 


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Hence the following motion: 

c) MOTION— “Welcome to Los Angeles” architectural element for the Metro Century/Aviation Station 

Whereas, there will be two LAX access stations in the future Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line at 96th/Aviation and Century/Aviation, and 

Whereas, Century Blvd. will remain a major gateway to/from LAX for local, national and foreign tourists, and 

Whereas, the future Metro Century/Aviation station will be located at a very busy intersection for local, state and international travelers, 

Therefore, the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee strongly supports an artistic and architectural element or signage included in the Century/Aviation Metro Station designed to welcome tourists to Los Angeles that is both visible outside of the station and iconic for both LAX and the City of Los Angeles, and 

Therefore, the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee strongly supports an artistic, iconic, and architectural element of the Metro 96th/Aviation station that will enhance the profile of Metro, Los Angeles World Airports and the City of Los Angeles.  

There will also be a lot of decision-making with respect to the three Westchester/LAX region stations, and the list has grown considerably each day.  Over 20 potential names for the Hindry station, and approximately 5 potential names for the two LAX-adjacen stations, have been raised, and it's hoped that this naming, designing and planning process will be addressed by both the Westside and the greater region. 

We've worked long and hard for years for a MetroRail/LAX Connection, and for a MetroRail extension to connect this region of L.A. City and County to the rest of the county.  Our work is hardly done--but for those of us willing to do the debating and working and consensus-building needed to allow this dream to become a reality, then this Thursday night (7:15 - 9:00 pm) at the West LA Municipal Building (Room 200, second floor auditorium) will be a great place for you to weigh in and help make history.          


(Ken Alpern is a Westside Village Zone Director and Board member of the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC), previously co-chaired its Planning and Outreach Committees, and currently is Co-Chair of its MVCC Transportation/Infrastructure Committee. He is co-chair of the CD11Transportation Advisory Committee and chairs the nonprofit Transit Coalition, and can be reached at [email protected]. He also does regular commentary on the MarkIsler Radio Show on AM 870, and co-chairs the grassroots Friends of the Green Line at www.fogl.us. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Mr. Alpern.)








Vol 12 Issue 75

Pub: Sep 16, 2014



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