Tue, Mar

School’s In! Well, Not Really … Screwed Up LAUSD Computer System Has Students in Wrong Schools


PARENT PERSPECTIVE-LAUSD’s new computer system MISIS, My Integrated Student Information System, is quickly becoming known as MYMESS at schools throughout the district due to the amount of problems it is creating since it was rolled out last April. 

Just days before school is scheduled to begin, hundreds of students in San Pedro are finding out MYMESS has enrolled them in the wrong schools. Come August 12th, students will be showing up to school and will not even be enrolled there. Not to mention, that none of these students have class assignments. 

I know because this happened to my son. He was enrolled at the wrong school and that school cannot transfer him to the correct school in the new system. 

Students going into 6th grade have been enrolled at the closest elementary school that has a 6th grade not the closest middle school, which are 6th - 8th grades. Student’s home schools are suddenly being changed in the system without alerting students, parents or schools. 

Some parents found it suspicious that they had not received any notices from the middle school and called only to find out their child is not enrolled at their home school and that they missed orientation. 

Parents are scrambling to get their students out of the assigned elementary school and into the middle school. 

To get back into the home school, parents must fill out a six-page registration package which includes questions like when did your child first learn to crawl and handwriting the same phone numbers over and over again. Making matters worse, the system has some students enrolled at two schools. 

School staff are spending hours trying to clean-up the district’s newest disaster while higher-ups in the Beaudry Castle, LAUSD’s headquarter located in downtown Los Angeles, dream up more directives for the peons in the kingdom instead of helping clean up the mess they created. 

Major decisions in the district are made by a select few, who do not represent the voices of the people that they serve or the thousands of employees who work at LAUSD.  

Thanks to these mental giants, students and staff are scrambling to make sense of a computer system … that nobody wanted … just days before school is scheduled to start. Numerous calls and emails to the district about the cost of MYMESS went unanswered. 

At the rate things are going, school will be ready to start sometime after Labor Day, which is when school should begin.  Seriously, who wants to start school in the beginning of August?  

To find out if your student’s home school was changed, click here


(Jennifer Marquez is a parent and writes a column in San Pedro Today Magazine.)





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