Mon, Feb

Black on Black Racism Acceptable?


CERDAFIED-Got to love those delusional democrats hanging on to their party like it is a bigot free zone, all the while the most vile and racist remarks spew from that party.  Case in point, U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss believes it is perfectly acceptable in his culture to call another black male an ‘Uncle Tom’ because they have different point of views and values. 

His racist attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is egregious enough but he adds insult to injury by claiming only a black man has the right to make those allegations. He suspends the rest of his intelligence permanently by defending this belief. 

In an interview with CNN:’s Dana Bash, Thompson is confronted regarding his statement that Thomas “doesn’t like black people, he doesn’t like being black.” 


Thompson:  “Well if you look at his decisions on the court, they have been adverse to the minority community, and the people I represent have a real issue with an African-American not being sensitive to those issues,” 

Bash: Calling him an Uncle Tom, isn’t that a racially charged term? 

Thompson: “For some, it is, but to others, it’s the truth,” (Read the rest here)  








Vol 12 Issue 47

Pub: June 10, 2014



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