Thu, Mar

Bilderberg Vs. Putin


CERDAFIED-Mark Anderson, of American Free Press, confirmed the long time rumor that the 62nd Bilderberg meeting will be held at Denmark’s Copenhagen Marriott Hotel. The once immensely secret group of world leaders and corporate heads now must operate right under our noses, at least as far as the yearly meeting. 

However, the nefarious and diabolical schemes put into action globally are under the radar,   though one could easily trace major global actions back to their lions den.

Anderson reported; 

Bilderberg involves 140 or so top bankers—especially central bankers—and corporate captains, royalty, think-tank fellows, media owners, prime ministers and other elected and appointed government officials. Select reporters and editors, such as Martin Wolf of The Financial Times and John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of The Economist, often participate but don’t report a peep about a conference that involves closing off an entire 5-star hotel and ringing it with heavily armed guards. 

Denmark will manage the spectacle by creating a “protest zone” a full mile away from the scene of the crime and event. It is a crime for world leaders to meet and discuss world policies with out express permission of their government. This is of no consequence to them. 

The obvious topic of concern, this year, for the Bilderbergers, is an attempt to control Russian leader Putin, and his actions concerning the Ukraine. Good luck with that futile effort.  Vladimir Putin, unlike the EU cronies, has his people behind him. Despite the US’s mission to control the situation and the outcome. I would lay bets on Putin.  (Read the rest here.) 
















Vol 12 Issue 44

Pub: May 30, 2014


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