Wed, Mar

Police Officer’s Memorial Week Has a Special Meaning to Our Family


FIRST PERSON-As children of a Los Angeles Police Officer murdered in the line of duty 31 years ago, Police Officers Memorial Week has special meaning to us.  Our young ages at the time—9 and 4 years old---left us with scant first hand recollections of our dad, but through stories about him from our mom and his friends, his memory and sacrifices burn bright.  It was in honor of our dad that we both became and remain Los Angeles Police Officers, proudly serving the City and force for which our dad gave his life in the line of duty. 

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation and Congress created Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week in 1962 to honor and remember law enforcement officers killed or seriously injured in the line of duty.  The week reminds the community officers for which police officers gave their lives or suffered serious injury that acknowledgement of that sacrifice should not end with the officer’s funeral or disability retirement.  It encourages the community to do formally what our mom and our dad’s friends did for us---keep the memory of those officers alive. 

On June 2, 1983, our lives changed forever.   Our father, LAPD motorcycle Officer Paul Verna ( see photo) was shot and killed after unknowingly making a traffic stop of a vehicle containing two armed robbery suspects. Two ex-convicts on parole, Raynard Cummings and Kenneth Gay shot our father. It was a cold blooded murder.  Cummings shot our dad and then passed the gun to Gay, who shot him five more times. Thankfully both were apprehended and sentenced to death. 

While many still recognize our dad’s name from that awful day, fewer know the story of the man he was.  Our dad was an Eagle Scout, served in the United States Air Force, and joined the LAPD after completing his military service.  He met our mom Sandy, married her, became a father and, raised us with strong morals and values.  After several years as a police officer, he joined the Los Angeles Fire Department. He enjoyed the fire service; however, he missed the unique activity of the LAPD, which he rejoined.

In 1981, our dad used his Fire Department training to rescue two children from a burning house. The LAPD awarded him the department's Medal of Valor for his courageous efforts. Our dad risked his life many times for the residents of Los Angeles and he eventually he gave his life for all of us to be safe. 

Our father was proud to wear the LAPD badge. The many stories we have heard about his life, dedication to police work, and pride he took in wearing an LAPD badge inspired both of us to join the LAPD. 

We both know the heartache of growing up without a father, knowing his death was because of a job he volunteered to take.  To the family and friends of those who have lost a loved one in the line of duty, the fact that society honors their ultimate sacrifice, we know all too well that nothing can truly ever erase the pain of the loss or fill the void in your life.  

However, we both chose to embrace the profession in whose service our dad was killed, because by doing so we could help others and honor our dad and his memory through our service to the community. Police Memorial Week provides an annual opportunity for every American to again express their gratitude to police officers and honor the memory of law enforcement officers across the nation who put their lives on the line to protect their communities and their neighbors. It also gives friends and families of fallen heroes the opportunity to share the life stories of the loved ones who died in the line of duty. 

We ask the public to please take a moment this week to appreciate the men and women who protect us daily. They and their families sacrifice nights and weekends to keep all of us safe. 

To fully appreciate heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past.  On behalf of families like ours, we would ask that the public take a moment this week to give thought to the police officers around the nation who made the supreme sacrifice. A smile, a kind word, a “thanks for your service” inspires those who serve more than medals or commendations.  Join us in during Police Memorial Week in paying tribute to those like our dad who have lost their lives protecting our communities. They deserve not only our respect, but our gratitude. 

Today, the murders of our father live on San Quentin's Death Row.  Our judicially broken death penalty system makes it likely we will both be retired before the death sentence imposed on these two murderers is carried out.  However, our father-- Paul Verna—deserves to be known not for the crime that took his life, but for the inspirational man that he was to our mom and his numerous friends.  Police Memorial Week gives us an opportunity each year to share that story of his life and honor his service.


(Bryce Verna is a LAPD Officer currently assigned to Valley Traffic Division. Ryan Verna is a LAPD Detective currently assigned to Mission Division.)





Vol 12 Issue 40

Pub: May 16, 2014






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