Tue, Mar

Come to the Fracking Rally


CERDAFIED-Grab your pickets and head over to the State Capitol in Sacramento on Saturday, March 15th and let lawmakers and Gov. Jerry Brown know exactly how you feel about the fracking state being fracked over by fracking idiots. 

Sierra Club members and concerned Californians from across the fracking state will rally from 1p.m. to 3:30 p.m. It’s up to fracking you if you allow the destruction of the bread basket of America.  

Californians cannot allow hydraulic fracturing to destroy our fracking environment.  Why would we trade the loss of our water resource for the gain of more oil and gas?  

Blasting millions of gallons of water, mixed with sand and toxic chemicals, under high pressure, is a fracking immoral choice. 

We do not need dangerous petroleum hydrocarbons like benzene, toluene and xylene in our fracking air. Nor do we need to be exposed to harmful lead, arsenic and radioactivity that are brought back up to the surface with fracking flowback fluid. 

Thousands are expected, but millions should show up to make it clear to Gov Jerry Brown that we want an Executive Order to immediately stop fracking. With 10 California counties already under fracking assault, it won’t take too long to utterly destroy our future. Colusa, Glenn, Kern, Los Angeles, Monterey, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, Sutter, Kings and Ventura have been fracked, as well as offshore wells in the ocean. According to Halliburton, 50 percent to 60 percent of new oil wells are fracked. That number may be higher since they stopped monitoring fracking recently. 

We have been operating in a fracking system that forces the citizens to prove the health hazards of fracking, instead to the companies wishing to frack proving it is safe. There is something very fracking wrong with this. 

Taking a fracking stand will be the most important thing you can do this fracking March 15th.  Make it a family event. Show your children the Capitol and how the people of California stand up for the fracking right to live in a healthy environment. 

Regulation of fracking is not the answer, prohibition is. See you on the front lawn of the Capitol.


(Lisa Cerda is a CityWatch contributor. She is an activist and VP of Community Rights Foundation of LA.)






Vol 12 Issue 18

Pub: Feb 28, 2014

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