Thu, Oct

LA City to Start Fining Owners for Parkways & Sidewalks


VOICES-Ever wonder who is responsible for keeping the parkways & sidewalks lining major streets such as Devonshire, Tampa, & Wilbur free of tall weeds and debris? 

Most people think the City owns these. However, these parkways and sidewalks are actually owned by the homeowners adjacent to these areas … even behind those block walls lining our big streets. 

The volunteers were surprised to learn this when they called the Councilman's office (818-882-1212) years ago. They were advised of below-pasted Code 56.08, and recently they learned that LA City will start fining these violators along the major streets as follows: $50, then $100 and finally $100 for the 3rd offense within a calendar year. 

The fines were championed by Councilman Englander, and his legislation was just implemented December 16, 2013 when Mayor Garcetti signed it into law. The violators get 2 weeks from Citation date to mow, sweep and trim overhanging trees and vegetation. Mr. Englander hopes his recent legislation will make our town clean and walkable.

Los Angeles Municipal Code (Section 56.08 (a) prohibits trees, bushes, grass, and vegetation that grow on any lot or premises, including the limbs, twigs, leaves, or parts of such tree, bush or vegetation, to interfere or obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles on streets and sidewalks. 

Section 56.08 (c) of the Code states, in part, that "No person having charge or control of any lot or premises shall allow any soil, rubbish, trash, garden refuse, tree trimmings, ashes, tin cans, or other waste … to remain upon any sidewalk, parkway or … upon any street abutting … or adjacent to such lot or premises … which will interfere with, or obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles …"

Here is the recent legislation instituting fines that was signed by Mayor Garcetti December 16, 2013 to start fining the violators: 


(Jo Phillips is an activist in Los Angeles. She blogs at: scottishterraceestates.nextdoor.com )









Vol 12 Issue 14

Pub: Feb 18, 2014


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