Sun, Mar

Shocker: Silent Ron Calls It Quits at DWP


PERSPECTIVE-DWP GM Ron Nichols has resigned 

In my previous articles concerning the secretive DWP nonprofit institutes here and here, I expressed doubts about the judgment of the utility’s GM Ron Nichols. Specifically, he failed to raise a red flag about the clandestine activities of the two entities. 

When you are a board member of an organization and suspect not all is what it seems, you have an obligation to report your concerns to an independent member of management. 

Instead, Nichols sat on the problem for three years. 

I can cut him some slack for not going to former controller Wendy Greuel. She was nothing but a tool of union boss D’Arcy. He funneled millions to her campaigns for City Controller and Mayor. 

But there was no reason why he did not approach Mayor Garcetti or Controller Galperin. That leads me to believe he may have been covering up; for what reason is anyone’s guess. 

Controller Galperin should not allow the resignation to let Nichols wiggle off the hook. He needs to answer some tough questions under oath. (See Nichols letter of resignation.) 

Prior to Christmas, there was chatter about Greuel making a run for County Supervisor. Greuel herself expressed a desire to do so. One would have expected her to announce soon after the holidays, but there has been not as much as a peep from her or her supporters. Does her involvement with D’Arcy lead to the nonprofits? 

Regardless, if Greuel does decide to run, her D’Arcy connection will be an issue.


(Paul Hatfield is a CPA and serves as Treasurer for the Neighborhood Council Valley Village through December 31, 2013.  He blogs at Village to Village, contributes to CityWatch and can be reached at: [email protected]) –cw









Vol 12 Issue 3

Pub: Jan 10, 2014



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