Tue, Mar

Replacing LaMotte: Err On The Side Of The People’s Right To Vote


VOICES-Marguerite LaMotte was a powerful voice on the LAUSD Board. She was connected to her community and was respected by her peers.  Everyone mourns her passing. 

Now, the Board has a choice: appoint someone to fill her seat until 2015 or hold a special election and let the community decide.   


I am all for fiscal prudence, but I always err on the side of giving people the right to vote on who represents them, rather than have a small group make that decision in a back room. 

There is no question that the LAUSD Board should hold a special election so that candidates can compete for the honor to represent District 1.  They should have their ideas put to the test, be questioned, knock on doors, tour schools and hear from parents what they need. They should compete for the seat and we all should vote (if we live in District) to the one that best makes his/her case. That is the only way democracy works. 

We will probably spend more on fixing Lincoln Blvd. than we will on this special election, but the rewards of civic engagement, transparency and trust will far outweigh the cost. 

An 18 month appointment?  I don't think so. 

The only thing that politicians respond to is our advocacy so if you want to add your voice to this issue visit empowersouthla.com and sign the petition that goes to the Board or call your local LAUSD Board Member and make your case. 

I would love to hear how they defend the opposite decision. 

In Los Angeles, and in America, this is something we can all agree on: we want more participation in our elections.   

Let's have an election and may the best candidate win.


(Citizen Sane is a pseudonym. His real name was withheld for privacy and safety reasons.)







Vol 11 Issue 101

Pub: Dec 17, 2013



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