Wed, Feb

Human Fetal Cells: Corporate Forced Cannibalism


CERDAFIED-No matter which side of the abortion debate you’re on, one factor we can all agree on is that the individual has the right to morally object. Whether they object due to religious beliefs or personally held principles, it is not relevant to the debate. Our rights as an individual, to act according to our own conscience, trumps all government laws and regulations. We cannot and should not be forced to have abortions. Nor should we be forced to consume or purchase products that use aborted human fetal cells in it. 


Just like the GMO battle for labeling, the right to know what is in our food, vaccinations and cosmetics is of the utmost concern. Whether we are unwittingly consuming food poisoned by pesticides or consuming aborted human fetal cells, the individual’s right to know is paramount in a free society and/or any other form of society. 

I never realized that aborted human fetal cells were being used in this manner. Automatically you can see the consequences of this type of developing technology. The moral question that arises from this cannot be answered by corporate America. It cannot be answered by the FDA or any other government agency or scientific group. Only the individual, given the choice and the facts, can come to terms with the moral implications for themselves. 

Corporate America would make cannibals of us all, for profit, and feed us the errors of our ways. They can justify their actions based on expediency and cost, but at the core it is due to indifference to the consumer, lack of meaningful oversight and some would say contempt of God. 

A former drug company scientist, Dr. Helen Ratajczak, published a comprehensive review of autism research. Within the research, the explosive revelation is exposed. To be exact, it states, “An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue.” 

So now we learn that our babies are being exposed through vaccinations, to other DNA material taken from aborted fetuses. Did your pediatrician inform you of this? Were you given a vaccine consent form revealing this important factor? No, Never, Nyet! Did the pediatrician know? Yet this is now a common practice! 

Why would Big Pharma keep this secret? American’s are being forced to have numerous vaccinations, far more than ever before, just to be allowed to send your child to school. Most of us, who oppose vaccinations, are concerned about the pure volume of them. Still others, who are more educated to the toxic additives in the vaccines, may not have known that a more sinister additive had yet to be revealed. 

In order to speed up the process of harvesting antibodies, they abandoned the common practice of injecting viral material into chicken eggs and began using human fetal cells. Crucell is a company that provides a line of cellular material to Big Pharma called PER.C6. The cellular material is from aborted fetuses. 

Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) identified the following vaccines that contain DNA, proteins, or cells from aborted human fetuses: 

● Polio -PolioVax, Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel (Sanofi)

● Measles, Mumps, Rubella - MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V (Merck)
   Priorix, Erolalix (GlaxoSmithKline)

● Varicella (Chickenpox and Shingles) - Varivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Zostavax (Merck), Varilix (GlaxoSmithKline)

● Hepatitis A - Vaqta (Merck), Havrix, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKine), Avaxim, Vivaxim (Sanofi)
    Epaxal (Crucell/Berna)

● Rabies - Imovax (Sanofi) 

Your exposure is not limited to vaccines. Common everyday products manufactured by Pepsi, Cadbury, and Nestles, are denying you of your right to know. It now becomes even more apparent why large companies don’t want “truth in labeling laws.” Download the list by clicking here.   

The proliferation of these products in the market place under supervision of the indifferent eye of our government leads you to one realization. We have no protection! So why should we use tax dollars to perpetrate this hoax of protecting our food supply? 

This is another example of how large corporate interests supercede the interests of the citizens of our country. It is why corporate dollars must be removed from our political system in order to have real protection and real rights. 

How can our leaders allow the toxic consequence of their actions and inactions to prevail when they and their very own families are consuming or being exposed to this massive deception?  Are they so bogged down in seeking corporate dollars they never have time to get to the task of meaningful actions? Or are they duplicitous by their lack of action? 

The public debate must be open and transparent, and in the end, the consumer must have the right to choose. Some people will be equally offended by the use of animal cell products, so label it. Some products may leave you with a moral dilemma, where no alternatives are available, and where life is at risk. So discuss it. Does the woman who seeks an abortion have the right to say what happens with her aborted fetus?  Is the human fetal cells tested prior to use, for disease, genetic or otherwise? 

What studies have been performed, what monitoring has been conducted and by whom? 

It is time for everyone to join the discussion, if not the battle, for “Truth in Labeling”. Apparently there is no standard so low, so completely absent of moral justification, that our government will not allow it to go unchallenged. So we must challenge our government and remove from it, its control over physical, spiritual, and mental well being.


(Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, VP of Community Rights Foundation of LA.)






Vol 11 Issue 100

Pub: Dec 13, 2013






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