Sun, Feb

V for Vendetta ALERT


CERDAFIED-Last August, I wrote an article forewarning my readers to prepare for an unknown event coming our way around Oct.1, 2013.  The article, “Mysterious Fema Region lll Alert has Folks on Edge was based on an email alert sent out by retired Senator Sheldon R. Songstad of South Dakota.  

The article was heeded by some but mocked by others as merely the beginning of the fiscal year for the federal government.  The laundry list of government actions and purchases were not considered relevant by some. Yet others were grateful for the heads up, prepared themselves and made it through the shut down. They shared the article on social media and on websites and gave others the opportunity to prepare. 

As the federal government shut down, in a Democrat vs Republican show down over ObamaCare and the national budget, we watched group after group head to Washington DC to voice their grievances in large organized rallies. Very little attention was given to the events by mainstream media as their focus seemed predominately aimed where Obama wanted it. 

However, America watched as alternative news groups revealed a disturbing trend in Washington. The voices of concerned Americans were being denied permits to rally, while illegal immigrants and the Million Muslim Marchers were given preferential treatment and permit approval. 

Despite being denied permits, \American bikers defiantly trekked across the country to show respect and support for our veterans and in remembrance of 9/1. One rally after another advanced on Washington. The truckers came in hope of shutting down Washington, quite literally. The veterans came to their memorial for Memorial Day observation but were denied entrance while the illegal immigrants were granted access.  The veterans removed the barricades and would not be denied. 

A true patriot will not submit to unjust laws and actions. So you would think that three of the most powerful and iconic groups that represent male power in small town America, like the bikers, truckers and veterans, would be just the fuse to the powder keg of American dissension. They were absolute in their defiance, but their rallies were peaceful. 

Weeks went by, the budget talks stalled, and our citizens felt the economic squeeze as 800,000 federal workers were furloughed. Most Americans could not withstand a loss of three weeks salary.

Could you? For those depending on food stamps for survival, they were the expendable chess pieces in a political game. They had no chance in hell of stockpiling food in preparation for this showdown, because they already struggle to make ends meet each month, as it is.   

Can you now see the danger of your circumstance?  If 3 weeks of no income can create such hardship, what would a prolonged collapse of our economy do to you? The lessons learned from this brief shut down must be remembered and your actions count more than ever. Those who depended on the government for aid and protection were the first to feel the sword. 

This includes all the families who are in the military service, who should NEVER need government assistance to raise their families while they are putting their lives in harms way. Certainly they should be paid appropriately, and exempt from budget battles. 

But the threat is not over. We know that nothing was resolved within that 3 week period. The piper has not been paid and the fiscal cliff just gets higher and higher. Our lack of leadership has become painstaking apparent. Solutions are coming from the fringe of the government, not from the majority of our elected officials. 

Just when you think the mainstream media is comatose…she yawns…..and points an accusing finger at Obama. Who knew she had the strength? Suddenly Obama and his ObamaCouldCareLess is persona non grata. As Gomer Pyle liked to say, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”  

What’s next? Get ready, once more, for new economic threats and challenges. Again I ask that you prepare. Eventually the middle class will be but a thin veil between the vast poor and the ultra rich few, if action isn’t taken. Everyday we are being called to action, but which voice should we heed and what action shall we take? Only you can decide. 

The V for Vendetta movement, just released a new video calling for the end of the Federal Reserve. Wearing the Guy Fawkes mask, an anti-authoritarian symbol of the internet movement, this anonymous spokesperson commented on the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve. He extended an invitation to everyone, to go to your local Federal Reserve Branch on December 21st in mass protest. 

Anonymous asked that  you, “Stand beside your Brethren in Liberty, 46 days from tonight, outside of the gates of every Federal Reserve branch, and together we shall give them a 100 year Anniversary that they will never, ever, forget!” 

Ending the Federal Reserve is the first step to economic recovery. Many believe the second step is ending the ObamaCouldCareLess fiasco.  The will of the people is speaking volumes as they refuse to participate in this government mandate. This was one of the most expensive deception of our times, next to the fraud called the Federal Reserve. 

But who will mark their calendars and don the Guy Fawkes masks? What will you be doing about “America’s impending collapse”? You may not be certain about what action to take but the government has an action plan in place for you. Columbia, South Carolina has criminalized homelessness.  They are placed in shelters on the outskirts of town and not allowed to leave without police escort. In Tampa Bay, Florida the police are arresting the homeless for sleeping on the streets due to a new ordinance. 

One thing is certain, the federal government’s actions, policies or lack of oversight helped create this economic collapse. The perpetrators were bailed out, and the victims have yet to recover. 

ObamaCouldCareLess will cause more job losses and reductions in work hours and homeowners may find themselves as the new homeless joining millions of others.  Can you trust Obama’s words 

The Trojan Horse is at our gates. Prepare. Inform others. Get involved.


 (Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, VP of Community Rights Foundation of LA, Tarzana Property Owners Association board member, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.)







Vol 11 Issue 90

Pub: Nov 8, 2013


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