Sun, Feb

High Noon for Garcetti vs. the DWP Gang


PERSPECTIVE-The DWP Commission has given the utility and its union two weeks to provide spending data for two affiliated nonprofits.  


The nonprofits were established by ordinances passed by the Los Angeles City Council in 2000 and 2002 ostensibly for the purpose of enhancing communications between management and the union on the subject of employee safety. 

Never mind that safety programs should be developed and controlled directly by the utility. It is acceptable to engage the services of consultants to assist, but funding shadowy organizations, each with its own bureaucracy, at a rate of $4 million per year for ten years is beyond anyone’s sensibilities. When detailed financial data cannot be supplied on short notice, the odds are that the enterprises serve no legitimate purpose. 

Quite frankly, allowing two weeks to supply what should already be available from the first nine years of operations is very generous. You would think there should already be audited financial statements with data to support the balances and activity. The requisite form 990′s appear to have been filed with the IRS, so you know there have to be records, although there is no guarantee they are reliable. 

What will the commission receive in two weeks? 

Will the DWP stonewall? 

Will the data supplied be frivolous or incomplete? 

If the commission is provided with anything less than full disclosure, it will be time to call in the District Attorney – immediately. Maybe even the U.S Attorney. 

If it takes perpwalking Nichols, D’Arcy or anyone else to get the answers, then so be it. 

Regardless, it is time to dissolve the nonprofits. Anything that secret cannot be good for the public. 

Since they were created by ordinances, the City Council should be able to eliminate them in the same fashion. 

Garcetti has to face down the gang at the DWP and IBEW. Unlike Gary Cooper in High Noon, he does not have to face them alone. 


(Paul Hatfield is a CPA and serves as Treasurer for the Neighborhood Council Valley Village.  He blogs at Village to Village, contributes to CityWatch and can be reached at: [email protected]) –cw







Vol 11 Issue 80

Pub: Oct 4, 2013



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