Tue, Mar

LA’s Newly Elected Hit the Road, Start the Conversation


POLITICS - LA’s newly elected officials are still more than a week away from taking office but they have been on the road since Election Day, engaging the community and enlisting partners.


Mayor-Elect Eric Garcetti went on the road with his Back to the Basics Tour, making stops in Boyle Heights, South LA, Valley Village, Northridge, Palms, and the Harbor. 

The road trip was complemented with a digital presence that included a visit to Reddit for another episode of “Ask Me Anything” although in this case, he challenged participants to “Tell Me Your Solutions.” 

Along the way, community members were asked how to make government better, how to make the neighborhood better, and how to create jobs. Speakers spoke, lots of ideas were floated, and then the work began with the audience assembled into small groups of 15 people. Post-Its, Sharpies, a bit of debate and lots of passion! 

Garcetti continues to invite Angelenos to offer their ideas on good governance and to apply for opportunities as staff members or commissioners on his team.  

City Attorney-Elect Mike Feuer and City Controller-Elect Ron Galperin met with Neighborhood Council representatives from around the city at this month’s Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC) meeting where both men reminded the audience of their Neighborhood Council roots. 

Ron Galperin is the first Neighborhood Council Board member to be elected to a citywide position, an achievement that pales in comparison to the task ahead. Galperin summed it up by saying “It’s one thing to be elected, it’s another thing to do the job right.” 

Mike Feuer reminded the audience that he was a City Councilmember years ago and that he participated in forming Neighborhood Councils before it was a City Charter mandate. 

Feuer said “I’m a huge believer in Neighborhood Councils. They show that there is a huge amount of value and commitment in our communities. I’m a listener and by collaborating with you, we can find solutions that will truly impact our city.”


(This report is from the EmpowerLA most recent report, edited by Stephen Box. See the complete report at EmpowerLA.org)  






Vol 11 Issue 51

Pub: June 25, 2013

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