Sat, Jan

Sexism in LA Mayor's Race? EMILY's List Accused of Demeaning Women


When Wendy Greuel launched her bid to become the first female mayor of Los Angeles, it was probably inevitable that charges of sexism would arise during the campaign. 


What would have been harder to predict is that those allegations would come from Greuel's opponent. But in the last week, allies of Councilman Eric Garcetti have raised a storm of outcry over a mailer from EMILY's List, a group that supports political advancement for women, and which now finds itself accused of sexism. 

"It's outrageous that EMILY's list is attacking a leading champion for women's rights, and it's offensive that their attack mailers feature sexist imagery," said Patty Bellasalma, president of California chapter of the National Organization for Women. (Read more here.) 









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