Sat, Mar

Is it Time to Privatize City Services?


EAGLE ROCK PATCH - I write this with utter frustration with our city services.

Like many other conscientious Angelenos, we try to recycle, thus faithfully utilizing the blue trash container. And it’s obvious that most people on our block do the same as I observe the blue cans out up and down the street. 

But here is the frustration thing: For the fifth time this year, the city has not picked up the blue-colored recycling bins from our entire block on both sides of the street. 

For the umpteenth time, I called various city agencies, including the local City Council offices, only to be shuffled around. Finally I called the sanitation department, the agency in charge of trash pickup.

(Read the rest here)  








Vol 11 Issue 33

Pub: Apr 23, 2013


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