Thu, Mar

Wendy Greuel Gets More Support From FOES of Tenants' Rights & Rent Control for Her Mayoral Bid!


It was nearly two month ago that the Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) expressed great concern over LA City Controller and Mayoral Candidate Wendy Greuel's enthusiastic announcement about receiving the endorsement of the landlord group, Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA).


Those concerns has been increased with the announced on Monday that the Central City Association (CCA) has endorsed Wendy Greuel's bid for Mayor.

The CCA is a business advocacy group that lobbies city and state government to grease the wheels for development in downtown. Besides landlords and developers, it also represents large corporations, such as Chevron, Walmart, Verizon, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo and Bank of America. (Read more here.)






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