Tue, Mar

Must be the Mexicans


JUST SAYIN’ - I think Rick Perry must be hitting the prescription drugs again: 

News reports suggest a white supremacist group called the Aryan Brotherhood may be connected to the murders of Texas District Attorney Mike McLelland, his wife Cynthia Woodward and Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse.

But when Fox News asked Perry on Wednesday about the murders, he speculated that Mexican drug cartels and border security problems were behind the killings, saying: 

We know the drug cartels are very, very active in our country now… I would suggest to you, it is really at the heart of this issue. You secure the border, then it makes it harder for these individuals to have access into this country as well as it addresses this whole issue that's hanging out on immigration.

This speculation was questioned by some sane people and Perry had to admit that he was pretty much just making shit up. 

Under fire for his foundation-less ramblings, Perry walked back the comments the following day at a press conference.

“It is very premature to be making any statements about who may or may not have been involved with this,” Perry said Thursday.

Perry did, however, try to save some face by adding: “There was a report by the Texas Department of Public Safety that said the greatest threat to Texas safety were the drug cartels.”

I still can't get over the fact that at one time a whole bunch of Very Serious People were promoting this idiot for president --- after we'd endured the debacle that was George W. Bush.

I will once again make this proposal: California should agree to never nominate another one of its favorite sons for president if Texas will do the same. Seriously, Californians and Texans need to do this for the sake of the country.

(Digby is the pseudonym of progressive political blogger Heather Parton from Santa Monica, California who founded the blog Hullabaloo… where this commentary first appeared.)




Vol 11 Issue 29

Pub: Apr 9, 2013

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