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How to Stop The Millennium


SAVE HOLLYWOOD - There is only one way to stop the Millennium and that is for the judge to throw out the new Hollywood Community Plan. The plan was basically written to allow The Millennium to build anything it wants with no regard to input from residents. 

While it is legally necessary to preserve the record by making all the objections while The Millennium currently whisks its way through the city administrative hearings, those objections will not stop The Millennium unless the Hollywood Community Plan is re-written. 

One should note, however, that SaveHollywood.org and Hollywoodians Encouraging Logical Planning do not take any position on specific projects and SaveHollywood.org is not officially opposed to this fiasco. Our lawsuit is directed at the fraudulent premises of Garcetti’s Hollywood Community Plan. Our simple point is the old maxim: Garbage in, Garbage out

The Hollywood Community Plan was written to justify unlimited development for certain landowners who own property within Transit Oriented Districts. These dense projects made sense if and only if more people would move to Hollywood, but Hollywood has been losing population since 1990. In order to conceal reality, Garcetti’s plan was based on a giant lie – that Hollywood’s population is dramatically increasing and we must build mega-projects like The Millennium to accommodate all the newcomers.  (Read the rest.









Vol 11 Issue 29

Pub: Apr 7, 2013




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