Thu, Mar

Mixed Signals on City Budget Give Voters More Reason for Cynicism


When I scolded deadbeat Angelenos for blowing off Tuesday's election, some of them had just enough energy to return fire.

"I chose not to spit into the wind anymore," wrote Lou.

"It is not an embarrassment to shun an embarrassment like LA 'government' and LA politicians," wrote Loren.

Just as I was about to scold them all over again, along came Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who reminded us why there's such raging cynicism in Los Angeles.

Let's go back to early February, when Villaraigosa endorsed Measure A. That was the proposal for a half-cent sales-tax increase that would have raised about $200 million a year in a city with a projected annual budget shortfall of roughly that very amount for years to come. (Read more.) 







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