As you prepare to head to the grocery store to pick up your Thanksgiving dinner ingredients, double-check your shopping list to make sure your Turkey Day fixin’s are all union-made in America. Check out some highlights from the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor’s resource site, Labor 411. Here are some of the best union-made Thanksgiving eats and tools from the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM), Machinists (IAM), United Steelworkers (USW) and United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW).
- Del Monte Blue Diamond Almonds—BCTGM
- Kraft/Nabisco crackers—BCTGM
- Boar’s Head—UFCW
- Butterball—UFCW
- Foster Poultry Farms—UFCW
- Thumann’s—UFCW
- Cutco knife—USW
- All-Clad cookware—USW
Side Dishes
- Ocean Spray Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce—IAM
- Birds Eye vegetables—UFCW
- Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes—BCTGM
- Pillsbury crescent rolls, frozen and bake rolls/breads—BCTGM
- Pillsbury pie crusts—BCTGM
- Stroehmann bakery products (for stuffing)—BCTGM
- Sara Lee pumpkin, apple pie—BCTGM
- Mother’s Kitchen pies and cakes—BCTGM
- Nabisco cookies—BCTGM
- Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (to top those sweet potato casseroles)—BCTGM
- Quaker Oats (for apple crisp)—BCTGM
Jackie Tortora blogs for the AFL-CIO. This post first appeared on Labor’s Edge and is republished with permission.