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Can Hollywood Deliver the Truth of 9/11?


CERDAFIED - Hollywood has had a long history of supporting the propaganda machine of the government. Since Hollywood’s inception and throughout our youth, we have been manipulated to see the world in black and white.

The good guys versus the bad guys. We were spoon fed patriotic themes during wartime so that we would be lulled into personal sacrifices to buy war bonds, join the “service”, fight communism, put women to work, and turn against anyone who even questioned the government and its motives.

Which is why I am surprised that Hollywood is set to film “September Morn” a Fleur de Lis Film Studios production that challenges the governments official 9/11 account. Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson and Ed Asner have signed on as cast members. Each of these actors have openly and repeatedly questioned whether the government was involved in the 9/11 attacks.

The official version of 9/11 claimed that hijacked passenger planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the fourth plane en route to its final target - the Capitol, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The 19 terrorists were identified and tied to Osama Bin Laden as the chief financial supporter.

However, the “9/11 Truthers”, “9/11 Skeptics”, and “Truth Activists” believe the government was behind the 9/11 attacks as a pretext to start wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Clearly we embarked on both wars. There are a few theories as to the government’s motivation.

One, was to take the power of the people away by using the fear of terrorism to systematically erode our civil liberties. That has certainly happened.  

Two, was to gain greater acceptance of one central government, one powerful army (NATO), one currency, and initiating a massive global agenda that controlled every aspect of human life. We can see more and more of this in action.

Directed by BJ Davis and written by Howard Cohen, the film is a drama, styled in the tradition of “Twelve Angry Men”. The films advance publicity states, "We the people demand that the government revisit and initiates a thorough and independent investigation to the tragic events of 911."  

Perhaps if there was an international investigation, there would be a glimmer of hope. But for a country who has lived with the JFK assassination conspiracy theories for 49 years, I see no reason to hope for truth from our government. .

Julia Davis, a national security and anti-terrorism expert was hired for the film, as well as Lt Col. Anthony Allen Shaffer, a CIA, Special Ops Military advisor and expert. The movie will star Daniel Sunjata, Michelle Phillips, Valerie Harper, Dick Gregory and other members of Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth.  For the website of "September Morn," click here.

The loss of 2,605 souls on September 11th will forever pain our hearts. As time goes by, more and more truth finds its way to the surface, and more and more people are trying to come to terms with the possibility that it was another “red flag” operation of the CIA with the blessings of the Bush administration.  For some, that possibility is too difficult to swallow. For others, it’s just too obvious to be ignored.

In an interview in 2007, Martin Sheen said, "I did not want to believe that my government could possibly be involved in such a thing, I could not live in a country that I thought could do that – that would be the ultimate betrayal.”

Oliver Stone’s version of 9/11 focused on the heroism of the police, fire department and responders in his 2006 film World Trade Center. It left movie goers angered that so much was left unsaid and unexplored. September Morn may have the unique distinction of being the first Hollywood film to address the many inconsistencies and outright deceptions of 9/11.

There are many active groups still fighting for the truth to come out;

•    New York City Coalition for Accountability Now - collected more than enough signatures to get on the November 2009 election ballot, to create an investigating commission. Supreme Court Justice Edward Lehner ruled that the petition overstepped what the city law allowed.

•    Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - is an organization of architectural and engineering professionals.  They support the World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theory.

•    9/11 Truth -  began in June 2004, co-sponsored opinion polls conducted by the US market research showing substantial numbers of people believed the government did not tell the full truth about 9/11. Of those surveyed, people in lower education and income brackets were more likely to express disbelief in government accounts, rather than those in higher income/education brackets.

•    The Hispanic Victims Group - created after the 9/11, was one of the primary forces behind the creation of the 9/11 Commission.

•    9/11 Citizens Watch - called for the establishment of the 9/11 Commission, and monitoring the commission closely.

There is general agreement within these various movements that government may have played a role in some aspects of the attacks. Whether it was by participating in a cover-up or complicity, the government is suspected to have gained the most from this tragic event, setting back our civil liberties by several decades.

With over 50 senior government officials, over 250 pilots and aviation professionals, and over 1,500 architects and engineers  claiming that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed, perhaps September Morn can lift the veil of secrecy.

(Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, V.P. of Community Rights Foundation of L.A., Tarzana Property Owners Association board member, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.) –cw

Vol 10 Issue 87
Pub: Oct 30, 2012


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