Sun, Feb

DONE’s GM ‘Hearts’ LA’s NCs


EMPOWERLA UPDATE - I want to give a big congratulations to the Congress of Neighborhoods Planning Committee, chaired by Cindy Cleghorn of Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council, for their outstanding work on the 2012 NC Congress!

Over 600 Neighborhood Council leaders attended the workshop filled day, enjoying the opportunities to meet and learn from one another. I want to give a special call out to our staffer, Tom Soong, who was the Department lead on the Congress and who worked tirelessly alongside the Planning Committee for months. He even did a sleep over in the office on Friday night to make sure everything was set up in time!

A highlight of the morning was the presentation of the EmpowerLA Awards to 7 Neighborhood Councils whose work really showcased the mission of Neighborhood Councils to increase civic engagement and to make government more responsive to local needs.

Starting next week, we'll be showcasing each of the awardees' work so you can be impressed and inspired.

I spent most of the day happily meeting new and veteran Board members and giving away "I heart NCs" buttons to those who told me why they hearted their NCs. It was great to see folks really stop and think about the good that NCs bring into their lives.

Some answers were funny:  "because I'm the President" or "because I like to argue" and even "it keeps me active so I don't have to use my walker!" Some were very heartfelt: "because it's the only positive change that I see in my community."  

One of the youth members of MacArthur Park Neighborhood Council told me he hearted his NC because being on the NC was teaching him skills to grow into a good leader so he could help his neighborhood now and even better when he becomes an adult - amazing!

It was especially charming to hear Board members tell me they hearted their NC's because of the great people they got to meet and work with, especially  some Board members from Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council who couldn't stop complimenting one another for about 5 minutes after I pinned them.

I also pinned Councilmembers Koretz and Garcetti, Controller Greuel, Fire Chief Cummings and the 4 Battalion Chiefs he brought with him, Assemblymember Mike Feuer, and Mayoral candidate, Kevin James, among others. I hope to get around to the rest of our electeds and department heads in the upcoming weeks so they can show their support for Neighborhood Councils, too.

The day ended on an especially sweet note for me when the Neighborhood Council leaders, who filled the City Council Chambers in the afternoon for the action session, nominated me for the permanent General Manager position and gave me a standing ovation.

I was very touched and moved to tears by this surprise action, especially when Jill Banks Barad from the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils, Bob Gelfand from the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition and Doug Epperhart from the Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils shared with everyone the actions their alliances took to nominate me for the permanent position.

I am so honored  by the recognition of my work, and please know that I don't do it alone, but with the help of our amazing staff, the Mayor's Office, Councilmembers, other City departments, and of course, the awesome Neighborhood Council leaders.

I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity to work with all of you in this capacity, and I am happy to pursue the permanent General Manager position to continue this wonderful momentum we are building to improve the system and the City. Thank you so much for your support!

(Grayce Liu is the Interim General Manager at the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. You can reach her at [email protected])

Vol 10 Issue 79
Pub: Oct 2, 2012


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