Thu, Feb

LA’s Mayor Helps Deflate the Two Party System


CERDAFIED - Antonio Villaraigosa’s Democratic National Convention fiasco explains why so many voters are jumping out of the two party system. His scripted vote before DNC delegates, on two important issues went terribly wrong, at least according to their expectations.

After getting approval to vote on changes to the democratic platform by a resounding yea vote, Antonio pushed ahead with the controversial vote that supported Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to invoke God. He called for the approval and got a tepid response. He called for those opposed and the response seemed more robust.  Without missing a beat, he said, “In the opinion of the … ahh … let me do that again.”

He was a little flustered, this was off script. So he called for the approval again saying, “All of those  DELEGATES … (a bit of a reprimand in his voice, like a disapproving parent) in favor say yea …” The crowd gives a slightly more robust “yea”. Antonio continued, “All those delegates opposed say no.” The crowd gives him a strong and absolute “no”.

Antonio gave a Ronald Reagan like wobbly head silent response. Lost and confused, the DNC Chair looked for advice near him. He said, “I  um ... I guess …”

A women steps to him and says, “You just have to let them do what they are going to do”, and she steps back. But that advice was ignored, no doubt his most recent regret.

“I’ll do that one more time,” Antonio insists. “All those delegates in favor say yea.”  And the crowd responds as before. “All those delegates opposed say no.” The crowd is adamant in their no. Again, without missing a beat, Antonio declares, “In the opinion of the Chair, 2/3’s have voted in the affirmative, the motion is adopted, and the platform has been amended as …” The boo’s echo through the convention site. You can see and hear the utter disbelief and disgust.

Just imagine how all those delegates felt when they realized that their vote didn’t count or matter!  

The democratic charade was being played out on center stage. This slap in the face of the voter was far more up-close and personal, much like the black voters who have been turned away.

This was not as discreet as the absentee ballots that are tossed out, or the hijacked electronic votes, or the purged votes. It may be a small example of why so many voters are leaving the two ticket party. Perhaps another reason is that the democrats and republicans are like two heads on the same beast.

Neither party is addressing the glaring issues. The economy was decimated, the ecosystem abused beyond recovery, the corporate takeover of America leads you straight into the White House itself, the civil liberty assault is a daily battle, and we have an absolutely  atrocious foreign policy that puts very little value on the human life and maximum value on revenge and domination. Let’s not forget that our Federal Reserve owns our souls and sells them at a premium.

When Presidential hopeful, Ron Paul, addressed the real issues, and he couldn’t get equal media coverage, I was gob smacked. Our youth and military supported him, he filled every venue, and people clamored to hear the real issues addressed. I thought perhaps there is hope.

So this 35 year democrat switched parties just to vote for Ron Paul. That is what my mother would call “one heck of a leap of faith”. But I wasn’t the only one leaping. Statistics show a strong trend of party jumpers. Look at the table below.

Historical California Registration by Political Party


Report Date Dems Reps No Party Pref/& Others
May 21, 2012 43.4 30.2 26.4
May 19, 2008 43.8 32.5 23.7
Jan. 22, 2008 43.0 33.3 23.7
Feb. 17, 2004 43.2 35.6 21.2
Feb. 7, 2000 45.7 35.1 20.2
Feb. 26, 1996 47.1 37.0 15.9







First a few additional facts: Since 2008, the percentage of voters registered with the Democratic Party has decreased from 43.8% to 43.4%. The percentage of voters registered with the Republican Party has decreased from 32.5% to 30.2%. Voter registration has increased from 16,123,787 to 17, 153699.

The most astounding trend of all is that since 1996, the no-party preference and other political parties have gained 10.5%. This is a strong indicator that political party loyalty is giving way. Voters are more than a little unhappy, perhaps they are paying attention. The no-party preference and other political parties are gaining on the republicans with a measly 3.8% standing between them. San Francisco has a whopping 30.6% of No Party Preference voters, beating the republican strong hold.

I understand the rejection of the “Tea Party” by the threatened politico’s. If a party is divided it becomes weaker as a whole. Even so, I saw it as an indictor of a healthy political system that can self correct, reinvent, and adjust to new influences. Even if the new influences means returning to traditional political values of adherence to the US Constitution, reducing government spending and taxes, reducing the national debt and federal budget deficit and reducing the size of government. All good things we can agree on. It’s common ground that should get common results, but it hasn’t.

The Tea Party’s success proved that there was room for everyone. They were able to get their own candidates elected and that was important.  The clearer the political party message became, the better off the voter was and the candidate. By all means define yourself and step out into the open.

Currently we are watching the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our sovereignty being sold out from under us. If ever there was a time for a new party to take the lead, it is NOW. The libertarian movement is becoming more appealing and credible and some democrats and republicans like their political party flavored with the libertarian fruit.

Quite frankly, the Democrats and Republicans are so out of touch with their voters. For instance, on the issue of God as part of the democratic platform, it’s not that people are anti-God, as others have suggested, they just don’t want a morally bankrupt government to use God to further their cause.

Many don’t want God to be used to sanction wars, or to be used to rationalize torture and drone strikes. Too many wrongs can be justified in the name of God. It is akin to Jihad.

More often than not, political decision making has very little to do with the voters and even less to do with God. It comes down to corporate pay offs, favor trading and personal preference. So instead of invoking God, it may be more apropos to run a Halliburton or Lockheed commercial between speeches.

As to the issue of declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel: Our arrogance is immeasurable. Which nation would dare to be so bold as to declare the capital of the United States? Having a shared interest is not an entitlement.

Watching both the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention, I could see the spin masters threads in the speeches. They use the same old psychology, the same rhetoric, and pull on the same worn heart strings. I am surprised anyone can muster up applause.  I am not hearing solutions … because we are not talking about the real problems. I don’t know how long we can afford our ignorance, but the tipping point is near.

All the political hopefuls try to get a piece of the spotlight and make a connection or two. A misguided mayor steps center stage, in front of America, he abuses the power of the voters.  Some delegates felt angry and stayed, some left and joined the occupy movement, and I bet some gave up on the two party system and joined the ever increasing powerbase of the “fed up and disillusioned.”

•    Facts and figures based on US Census data, as adjusted by information from the CA, Dept. of Finance and the CA. Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

(Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist,  Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.)

Vol 10 Issue 73
Pub: Sept 11, 2012

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