Fri, Mar

Garment District Deal Bonanza!!


Boy Howdy, the garment district in downtown Los Angeles is a deal and discount bonanza!

I took a little trip down there today on the good ole MTA, which cost $3.00 round trip. While there, I stumbled upon an awesome deal on parking at 746 S. Hope Street, which is a pretty central location to many worthwhile destinations downtown. It’s one of those structures where you remember your parking spot number, then you punch it into the machine and put your money in there. It’s never more than a flat $5 during the day; $4 after 3 pm and a stinking $3 all day Saturday!  In LA, a deal on parking is golden, so I was really happy to find this place.

I got off the bus at Olympic and Hill and headed toward the area around 9th and Maple where all the fabric stores are. This is what I had come to explore. I had a heck of a time getting there though; I was bedazzled by the dozens of shops with amazing deals on shoes, clothes, bags, and all manner of cool accessories that lined the streets along the way.

First stop was Rex Handbags. A veritable plethora of bags, mostly synthetic but gorgeous, are on hand here. Most are right around $20. They have some amazingly intricate beaded bags for closer to $25 and the saleslady is more than happy to make an even better deal than the price listed. They also have some beautiful leather bags for not much more.

Next up: Pronto Moda. This place has some really great clothes on sale right now at 6 pieces for $20! It is an awesome deal and it is the final week of their sale. The regular price of these clothes is much higher and the pieces are really well made. You can also get 2 pieces for $10 or just one for $7. They have some pricier items hat are gorgeous. They make all their own clothes, including a lot of leather.

You can imagine how hard it must have been for me to tear myself away from all these distractions and remain on target to hunt for deals on fabrics. But I did it; and, it paid off.

First, I have to say that the entire area around 9th and Maple, on several streets and on both sides, is filled with fabric stores. Some sell a variety of types and some specialize. You’ve got your fur store, your lace store, you get the idea. I started with Fancy Fabrics where I met James, the owner. This shop is just jam packed with great deals on, well, just that – fancy fabrics. There is a lot of fancy lace, some with sequins, some without. The fabrics are really divine; and, there are rows and rows of it- many for $5.99 a yard.

Next was Glamour Fabrics where I met owner, Mike. Here, they specialize in fabrics for home décor. The walls are stacked high with sumptuous patterns and textures. Right now, they are having a Labor Day sale, with many of their nicest styles going for $4.99 when they are regularly $11.99 a yard. I saw some really gorgeous trims too, going for $3.99 rather than the usual $5.99 – $7.99. Mike tells me they also offer custom upholstery and drapery.  You can bring your own pattern and they will make cushions and drapes just the way you want them.

A word about their website: It’s mainly designed for wholesale online buyers. So, the phone number is different and there is no information about the downtown site available. What the website is useful for is taking a gander at their fabrics. These are the fabrics available in the shop to retail customers!

There’s no end to the deals to be found in LA’s fashion district. There’s plenty of large and small eateries throughout the area too. You’re bound to want to grab a bite in between the deals for you, your children, and your home. Come prepared to be amazed. Walking back to my bus stop, it occurred to me, once again, how much Los Angeles has to offer. So, this labor day, get out there and  


Rex Handbags
944 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90015  (map)
Phone: It’s hit or miss for an English speaker. No Spanish either. Just go in.

Hours: Mon-Fri 9-4

Pronto Moda
930 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90015     (map)
Phone: 213-489-1500

Hours: 9:30-5:30 Mon-Sat

Fancy Fabrics 401 E. 9th St. Los Angeles CA 90015    (map)
Phone: 213-892-8232

Hours: 9:30-5:30 Sun – Fri     Cosed on Saturdays
(web) www.FancyFAbricsOnline.com

Glamour Fabrics, Inc.
910 ½ S. Maple Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90015   
Phone: 213-627-3889

Hours: Mon-Sat 9-6; Sun 10-5
(web) www.Decotexusa.com

(Jennifer Caldwell is a an actress and an active member of SAG-AFTRA, serving on several committees. She is a published author of short stories and news articles and is a featured contributor to CityWatch. Her column at www.RecessionCafe.wordpress.com is dishing up good deals, recipes and food for thought. Jennifer can be reached at [email protected]. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jennifercald - Twitter: @CheckingTheGate)

Vol 10 Issue 70
Pub: Aug 31, 2012


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