Thu, Jan

Professor David Klein, the CSUN Nut that Fell off the Tree


FRIENDLY FIRE - The latest nut in CSUN's academic tree is David Klein, a math professor who hosts an anti-Semitic website. Among his little ditties against the Jewish state are warnings against visiting Israel due to safety risks.

If he were really smart and professorial, he would know that getting rid of the risks, meaning Hamas and other terrorist groups that go after Americans and other infidels like Christians would most likely rid the region of any problems and make it safe.

He has accused Israelis and the Israeli army of despicable human acts while forgetting or bypassing (it's hard to tell in Klein's case) that anyone, Arab or Jew or terrorist or not, can go to an Israeli hospital and still be treated.

The same, however, would not apply to Klein or any other unfortunate infidel who wound wander into or get attacked in an Arab land.

He also claims that Israel is an "apartheid state enforcing only Jewish buses and Jewish roads." (Hey, I'm not making this up. It got it from his Boycott Israel website.)

The truth is that anyone living in the region could ride the buses and travel on the roads, though recent developments may have changed that in the name of public safety.

And he believes that the very same Palestinians who dismember people while they are still alive, reward the families of suicide-bombers and blow up buses of men, women and children are the victims of violence.

It makes me wonder whether he's picked up a paper in the last forty years let alone ever followed the news.

Like Holocaust denier, Norman Finkelstein, Klein is Jewish, though he is the nut that fell off the tree and unfortunately the self-hating kind. Pray for his soul now, y'all hear, but don't let him use public monies to spew his hatred on the mighty and illustrious campus website.

Let him work out his self-hatred and self loathing in some other place like an "Honest Reporting" seminar, an expense paid trip to the West Bank or any Arab country of his choice where he would openly parade as a Jew and/or a psychiatrist's office. Let's get this boy some help.

Whenever asked to tell about myself at parties, barbecues and such, I always feel like singing, "I was born in a ditch by a mother who left me there, naked and cold and too hungry to cry. I never blamed her, I'm sure she left hoping that I had the good sense to die."

There is not a grain of truth to it, but I always liked the song especially when sung by the soprano in "Man of La Mancha."

The straight skinny is that I was born and raised in the heartland of the US, otherwise known of as Chicago, and traveled to California at the tender age of adulthood.

I have been writing since childhood and have penned columns for various papers around the country shortly after moving to So Cal.

(Gail-Tzipporah Sanders blogs at Friendly Fire where this piece was first posted.)

Tags: Gail-Tzipporah Saunders, David Klein, CSUN, Professor Klein, Jewish, Jews, Christians, internet, website

Vol 10 Issue 52
Pub: June 29, 2012

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