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Consider this: American Dollars on American Propaganda to Brainwash American Citizens


VOICES - The National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310) was passed by the House, on Friday afternoon, with a vote of 299-120. (77 Democrats and 222 Republicans voted FOR it). The hollow threats came early in the week, from the White House, to veto it.  The White House can not distance itself from their bold and in your face agenda to strip away the constitutional rights of every American.

The power grab began after 9/11, and has since escalated to a protracted crescendo.  

Very little has been reported on the amendment # 114 to the NDAA, an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda, produced by the State Department and the Pentagon, on Americans.  

By striking the existing ban on domestic misinformation campaigns, Americans can expect to be programmed on an even greater scale than ever before. Many would argue that the most prolific misinformation campaign comes in the way of our American History books in our schools. Others would say it is the gag order fueled by corporate interests on our mainstream media.

Sponsored by Rep. Mac Thornberry from Texas and Rep. Adam Smith from Washington State, the amendment nullifies or neutralizes the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987, meant to protect US audiences from our own government’s misinformation campaigns.

You should take heart that this attack on American truth and justice, came from a “bipartisan” effort and a bipartisan fear of the power of the internet age.

Thornberry could actually say with a straight face, that the Smith-Mundt Act and Foreign Relations Authorization Act “ties the hands of America’s diplomatic officials, military, and others by inhibiting our ability to effectively communicate in a credible way.”  It must be difficult to lie with “credibility” when at the touch of our latest hi-tech communication device, we can search out a more credible source of truth than that of the US government.

The bill's supporters say that new techniques are needed to help fight Al-Qaeda, while the critics of the bill say that a rigorous debate over such an important issue should have happened. “It removes the protection for Americans. It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.” says a Pentagon official who voiced concern about the law.

Let’s scrutinize the expense of duping America. According to USA Today, the Pentagon spends nearly $4 billion a year to sway public opinion already. This is a world wide effort. Now a new cost will be incurred, keeping Americans misinformed.

Could it be merely a coincidence that the bill was passed just prior to the NATO Summit? The arrest of three Occupy protestors, accused of manufacturing Molotov cocktails in a plot to attack President Barack Obama's campaign headquarters as well as other sites, may not seem as plausible when you consider that the suspects, Brian Church, 20, of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Jared Chase, 24, of Keene, N.H.; and, Brent Vincent Betterly, 24, of Oakland Park, Fla. have no history of violence but law enforcement has a history of setting up organizers.

Their attorney Michael Deutsch, said "This is just propaganda to create a climate of fear," My clients came to peacefully protest. We believe this is all a setup and entrapment to the highest degree."

Prosecutors charged eight activists, known as the RNC Eight, who were organizing mass protests prior to the Republican National Convention in 2008, with terrorism-related crimes after investigators said they recovered equipment for Molotov cocktails and other items. They denied the allegations and also accused the authorities of setting them up to stifle dissent. The terrorism charges were later dismissed. Five pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges, and three had their cases dismissed altogether.

Occupiers symbolize American malcontent, a massive reproach of government actions. Instead of the government self correcting, it takes even more aggressive measures against protestors, organizers, and their means to find like minded individuals willing to advocate for segments of society.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been more than unpopular; it has been seen as a resource robbery, masquerading as a fight on terrorism. A misinformation campaign can prop up unpopular policies or actions by the government. Tax payers can become indentured slaves for the military complex, a rebellion would ensue, but by conditioning society with irrational fears and biases, the government can continue with their agenda, however self serving it may be.

Considering that we already swim in an ocean of conspiracy theories, it may be a knee jerk response to dismiss relevant news as bunk and regard propaganda as truth. Many consider 9/11 a “False Flag Operation” and a huge propaganda machine.  Just reading the list of 9/11 articles, which question the facts of 9/11, illustrates when the real propaganda campaign began. The why of it is quite evident when you look at the governments action since the 9/11 attack.

Other countries, and perhaps our own, have relied on “False Flag Operations” to jump start a war, or military action. All it takes is elements within a government, to stage a secret operation, and pretend to be a targeted enemy, while in fact, they are attacking their own forces or even their own people. The attack is then falsely blamed on the enemy in order to justify going to war against that enemy. (See list of “False Flag Operations” here)

The diabolical implications of Amendment # 114 of the NDAA makes you suspicious of the prior 113 amendments. Cranking out the most un-American acts seems to be just another day in Congress.

A New York federal judge issued a temporary injunction on Wednesday, May 16, finding that detainee provisions are unconstitutional in the current NDAA.  Legal and political challenges may await the NDAA amendment #114, in the very near future.

Retaliation against journalists trying to shine the light on questionable government actions is being reported as well. Two reporters working on the USA Today investigation on Pentagon expenditures for propaganda campaigns “appear to be targeted” by Pentagon contractors. The creation of fake Facebook pages and Twitter accounts meant to discredit the journalists was revealed.

When we think of misinformation campaigns, we think of it as a sweeping large scale attempt. However, leadership is the true threat to the entrenched agenda of war. The sleeping masses may continue in their hypnotic trance, but for the voice of reason, from a leader or journalist who dares separate the wheat from the chaff.  Such people face more than criticism or censorship, but full campaigns to ruin their careers or reputations.

Look with a jaundiced eye at such attempts to discredit leaders and journalists who hold the government accountable for their actions and motives, now more than ever.

(Lisa Cerda is an occasional contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.) –cw

Tags: Lisa Cerda, misinformation, propaganda, NDAA, Smith-Mundt Act, Constitutional Rights, terrorism

Vol 10 Issue 41
Pub: May 22, 2012

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