Sun, Feb

CityWatch Re-launches On New Dedicated Server


LIVE AGAIN - We could come up with a lot of technical talk about why CityWatch crashed.  Actually, we couldn't but our IT people could.  In layman's terms, the traffic to our site has grown and grown.  In fact, in February and March it hit an all time high.  Nice problem.  Bad timing.  The increase of users caused the network we were on to slow down to a halt.  Obviously, this is not a good thing, especially for others on the same server.  We felt like the kids in Project X after burning the neighborhood down.


So, after three frantic days, we moved CityWatch to our own dedicated server.  Now we can play in our own yard without disturbing the neighbors.  (Once again layman's terms.)

A special thanks to Joel Rosen and Velarium for coming to our rescue and providing an outstanding product.

Most of all, we want to thank you for your overwhelming and positive response to CityWatch, and for sticking with us during this difficult period.  All of your comments were gratifying and inspiring.

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