Sat, Apr

Dogs, Cats, Babies, Other Voiceless Victims of Ukraine War – Do Donations Reach Them?

ANIMAL WATCH - The merciless bombing of Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin has now continued for over a month, with news broadcasts making the tragedy and pain of innocent human and animal victims unbearably palpable and arousing our need to help in the only way we can—by sending a donation to an organization that promises help. 

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CA “Animal Bill of Rights” (AB 1881) Another “Feel Good” Political Ploy

ANIMAL WATCH - California claims to be the capital of humaneness to animals, but no creatures are more victimized by political ambition and election ploys than dogs and cats; and AB 1881, introduced by Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, is just the latest example, following in the footsteps of Councilman Paul Koretz’ disastrous pet shop ban in Los Angeles.

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